
"Department of Biomedical Engineering" is located in the city of Osaka. The nearest station is Taishibashi-imaichi on Tanimachi (Purple) Subway Line. (ten minutes walk)

1) When you arrive at Kansai International Airport (Osaka), take JR railway line to Ten-nohji (it takes for fifty minutes), change to Tanimachi (Purple) Subway Line to Taishibashi-imaichi (Bound for Dainichi) (it takes for thirty minutes).

2) When you arrive at Itami Domestic Airport (Osaka Airport) from Tokyo International Airport (Narita),
take Osaka Mono-rail to Dainichi (Bound for Kadoma) (it takes for thirty minutes), change to Tanimachi (Purple) Subway Line to Taishibashi-imaichi (Bound for Yaominami) (it takes for five minutes).

You can use our "Guest House" for your accommodation during your stay. The price is one thousand yen per one night.

5-16-1, Ohmiya, Asahi-ku, 535-8585,
Osaka, East-House 2, Osaka Institute of Technology,