[38] K. Kishimoto,
Simple-ribbon fusions and Alexander polynomials,
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology, 京都大学 数理解析研究所, 2017.5.26

[37] K. Kishimoto,
On sharp moves and braids,
拡大KOOKセミナー2015, 神戸大学百年記念館, 2015.8.19

[36] K. Kishimoto (joint work with T. Shibuya and T.Tsukamoto),
Simple ribbon fusions and simple ribbon knots,
N-KOOKセミナー, 大阪市立大学文化交流センター, 2015.4.18

[35] K. Kishimoto (joint work with H. Moriuchi),
A table of genus two handlebody-knots up to seven crossings,
International Workshop on Spatial Graphs 2013, 東京女子大学, 2013.8.15

[34] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Kawauchi and A. Shimizu),
セミナー「数学,芸術,数式処理を介した理解の育み」 , 神戸大学, 2013.3.11

[33] K. Kishimoto (joint work with T. Shibuya and T. Tsukamoto),
Simple ribbon fusions and primeness of knots,
E-KOOKセミナー, 大阪市立大学, 2013.2.14

[32] K. Kishimoto (joint work with T. Shibuya and T. Tsukamoto),
Simple ribbon fusions for links II,
日本数学会 2012年度秋季総合分科会, 九州大学, 2012.9.20

[31] K. Kishimoto (joint work with T. Shibuya and T. Tsukamoto),
Simple ribbon fusions for links,
日本数学会 2011年度年会, 東京理科大学, 2012.3.26

[30] K. Kishimoto (joint work (1) with T. Shibuya and T. Tsukamoto, (2) with A. Kawauchi and A. Shimizu),
(1) Ribbon knots and simple ribbon fusion, (2) Region crossing change and local moves on knots,
岐阜大学トポロジーセミナー, 岐阜大学, 2012.2.9

[29] K. Kishimoto (joint work with T. Shibuya and T. Tsukamoto),
Simple ribbon fusions for links,
結び目の数学IV, 東京女子大学, 2011.12.26

[28] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii), 
The quandle coloring invariant of a reducible handlebody-knot,
Spring Workshop 2011 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications, 名城大学名駅サテライト, 2011.3.4

[27] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii), 
Irreducibility of a handlebody-knot,
The seventh East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, Hiroshima University, 2011.1.10

[26] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii),
On the irreducibility of a handlebody-knot,
近畿大学数学教室講演会, 近畿大学, 2010.12.2

[25] K. Kishimoto,
A relation between sharp move and Delta move,
Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, Osaka City University, 2010.10.29

[24] K. Kishimoto,
A note on local moves for knots,
東北結び目セミナー, 遊学館, 2010.10.22. 

[23] K. Kishimoto, (joint work with A. Ishii),
Finite type invariants of a spatial theta-curve,
International Conference Japan-Mexico on Topology and its Applications, University of Colima, 2010.9.30

[22] K. Kishimoto,
Braid presentation of handlebody-knots,
E-KOOKセミナー2010, 大阪市立大学, 2010.8.28

[21] K. Kishimoto,
Braid presentation of handlebody-knots,
第57回トポロジーシンポジウム, さん太ホール, 2010.8.13

[20] K. Kishimoto,
Braid presentation of handlebody-knots,
The 2nd TAPU-KOOK Joint Seminar on Knots and related Topics, Kyungpook National University, 2010.7.27

[19] K. Kishimoto,
大阪市立大学数学研究会論文賞受賞講演会, 大阪市立大学, 2010.3.19

[18] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii, H. Moriuchi and M. Suzuki), 
A table of pseudo-prime genus two handlebody-knots with up to six crossings,
The sixth East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, Nankai University, 2010.1.27

[17] K. Kishimoto (joint work with I. D. Jong),
On positive knots of genus two,
結び目の数学II, 早稲田大学, 2009.12.24

[16] K. Kishimoto (joint work with I. D. Jong),
On positive knots of genus two,
早稲田大学教育学部トポロジーセミナー, 早稲田大学, 2009.12.12

[15] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii, H. Moriuchi and M. Suzuki),
The table of pseudo-prime genus two handlebody-knots with up to six crossings,
東北結び目セミナー, 山形テルサ, 2009.10.18

[14] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii),
The IH-complex of spatial trivalent graphs II,
日本数学会 2009年度秋季総合分科会, 大阪大学, 2009.9.25

[13] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii)
The IH-complex of spatial trivalent graphs,
The third Osaka City University OCAMI, Pusan National University BK21,
Kyungpook National University BK21 joint Graduate Student Workshop
, Osaka City University, 2009.8.21

[12] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii),
The IH-complex of spatial trivalent graphs,
広島大学 トポロジー・幾何セミナー, 広島大学, 2009.6.30

[11] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii),
ハンドル体結び目とその周辺II, 大阪市立大学, 2009.6.20

[10] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii),
The IH-complex of spatial trivalent graphs,
Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, Osaka City University, 2009.5.15

[9] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii),
The IH-distance for spatial trivalent graphs,
The fifth East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, Gyeongju TEMF Hotel, 2009.1.14

[8] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii),
The IH-distance for spatial trivalent graphs,
結び目の数学, 東京女子大学, 2008.12.25

[7] K. Kishimoto (joint work with A. Ishii),
The IH-distance for spatial trivalent graphs,
北陸結び目セミナー「不変量と局所変形」, 金沢大学サテライト・プラザ, 2008.11.16

[6] K. Kishimoto (joint work with T. Abe),
The dealternating number and the alternation number of a closed 3-braid,
KNU BK21-OCU OCAMI-PNU BK21 Joint The 2nd Graduate Student Workshop On Mathematics,
Pusan National University, 2008.7.31

[5] K. Kishimoto (joint work with T. Abe),
The dealternating number and the alternation number of a closed 3-braid,
Friday seminar on Knot Theory, Osaka City University, 2008.6.13

[4] K. Kishimoto,
On a closed braid sublink,
4th Japan Mexico Topology Conference joint with 4th Japan Mexico Topology Conference,
Kyoto University, 2007.12.4

[3] K. Kishimoto,
On a closed braid sublink,
東北結び目セミナー2007, 国際蔵王高原ホテル, 2007.10.6

[2] K. Kishimoto,
On a closed braid sublink,
KNU BK21-OCU 21COE-PNU BK21 Joint Graduate Student Workshop On Mathematics,
Osaka City University, 2007.8.28

[1] K. Kishimoto,
Braiding a link with a fixed closed braid,
結び目のトポロジーIX, 日本大学, 2006.12.22inserted by FC2 system