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大学コンソーシアム大阪より、「学生英語プレゼンテーションコンテスト2021」発表者募集の案内がありました。このコンテストは、大学、学部、学年、国籍を越えた交流や親睦を深めることで、学生の高い国際意識やコミュニケーションスキルを持つ若者の育成を目的としています。<使用言語:英語> <参加費:無料>

・エントリー期限:9⽉24⽇(金)15:00まで -動画提出あり
・コンテスト開催日時: 2021年11月28日(日)10:00〜17:00

応募方法等の詳細は、大学コンソーシアム大阪のHP を確認のうえ、各自で直接応募してください。

The Consortium of Universities in Osaka Student English Presentation Contest 2021

Application Guidelines

1.Entry deatline: September 24 (Fri) 15:00
Event outline Date & Time: November 28, 2021 (Sun) 10:00-17:00Venue: Osaka Science and Technology Center, 8F Hall (1-8-4 Utsubo Honmachi, Nishi-ku, Osaka City) *Details of the event are subject to change depending on the COVID-19 situation.

2. Application criteria Undergraduate, graduate, and international students from member universities of the Consortium of Universities in Osaka

3.Team composition Team of two to four members
*Any team composition is acceptable, including mixed teams with members from different universities, seminars, or clubs.

4.Theme of the presentation Under the “new normal” brought about by the pandemic, we have been experiencing a variety of social issues first hand.
Can we accelerate the achievement of the SDGs using theCOVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity?
Please propose solutions to social issues that students in Osaka can tackle in line with the SDGs based on your own experience amid the pandemic.

5.Awards Rank Supplementary award (all team members)
1 QUO card10,000 yen
2 QUO card5,000 yen
3 QUO card3,000 yen Judge’s special prize

6.Participation fee None (free)

Please check the official HP
for details and apply directly by yourself through.

募集要項 ( pdf:670KB )

Application Guideline ( pdf:488KB )
