New! (Mar., 2015)

A bug fix provided by mamomamo is applied. Thanks, mamomamo! (Mar., 2015)

Yagshi's SC61860 Assembler "YASM61860"

Welcome to YASM61860!

YASM61860 is a development tool for ancient legacy calculators employing today's extremely powerful computers. Enjoy the interplay of high-tech and low-tech!


YASM61860 (YASM) is an assembler software for SHARP's 8bit CPU, SC61860. SC61860 was widely used CPU for SHARP's old pocket computers. Remarkable features of YASM are following.

How to use?

First of all, YASM requires PERL (ver.5 or later, I believe). Usage is very simply enough as follow.
perl [source]
If you're using sh or csh shells, just type [source]
with executable attribute. ( In this case, you may need to edit top line of .)
[source] is a assembly language source file you want to assemble whose file name needs to end with ".s" or ".asm". Without specifying [source], YASM reads source code from standard input.
After 2-pass assemble, YASM outputs hexa dump to standard output as default. You can specify an output file rather than standard output using -d switch descrited below. Usage is
yasm [switches] [source]
switches are
  -d dumplist  Use "dumplist" file rather than standard output
               for hexa dump.
  -w wavfile   Output Microsoft .wav formatted sound file
               for "CLOADM" basic command to "wavfile."
  -r rawfile   Output raw binary file. Blank memory block is
               filled with zero.
  -old         There are two kinds of CLOADM sound format.
               Some old pocket computers such as PC-1245/5x
               require this switch.  This switch is effective
               only in wave file.

example) -d dump.txt -w csavem.wav -r raw.bin source.s

YASM assembler reference.

If you can read Japanese, please read document file in YASM archive. Unfortunately there is no reference manual of YASM written in other language but Japanese. Example source code is a good alternative reference to understand YASM. So I prepare a machine language monitor program for PC-1245. And my "SC61860 basics page" is also helpful for your development.

full archive of YASM61860

YASM61860 is a freeware. You can also distribute it freely. Now you can download a full archive of YASM. (It contains many files written in Japanese.)

YASM61860 source file, ""

<NOTICE!> Some browsers may display the source code incompletely here perhaps because of some kinds of confliction between PERL syntax and HTML syntax. In addition the version of the source code beneath is old. Please try full archive if you really want to use YASM61860.

	 DB   => -1,
	 DW   => -1,
	 DS   => -1,
	 LII  => 0x00,
	 LIJ  => 0x01,
	 LIA  => 0x02,
	 LIB  => 0x03,
	 IX   => 0x04,
	 DX   => 0x05,
	 IY   => 0x06,
	 DY   => 0x07,
	 MVW  => 0x08,
	 EXW  => 0x09,
	 MVB  => 0x0a,
	 EXB  => 0x0b,
	 ADN  => 0x0c,
	 SBN  => 0x0d,
	 ADW  => 0x0e,
	 SBW  => 0x0f,

	 LIDP => 0x10,
	 LIDL => 0x11,
	 LIP  => 0x12,
	 LIQ  => 0x13,
	 ADB  => 0x14,
	 SBB  => 0x15,
	 MVWD => 0x18,
	 EXWD => 0x19,
	 MVBD => 0x1a,
	 EXBD => 0x1b,
	 SRW  => 0x1c,
	 SLW  => 0x1d,
	 FILM => 0x1e,
	 FILD => 0x1f,

	 LDP  => 0x20,
	 LDQ  => 0x21,
	 LDR  => 0x22,
	 CLRA => 0x23,
	 IXL  => 0x24,
	 DXL  => 0x25,
	 IYS  => 0x26,
	 DYS  => 0x27,
	 JRNZP=> 0x28,
	 JRNZM=> 0x29,
	 JRNCP=> 0x2a,
	 JRNCM=> 0x2b,
	 JRP  => 0x2c,
	 JRM  => 0x2d,
	 LOOP => 0x2f,

	 STP  => 0x30,
	 STQ  => 0x31,
	 STR  => 0x32,
	 PUSH => 0x34,
	 RST  => 0x35,
	 DATA => 0x35,
	 RTN  => 0x37,
	 JRZP => 0x38,
	 JRZM => 0x39,
	 JRCP => 0x3a,
	 JRCM => 0x3b,

	 INCI => 0x40,
	 DECI => 0x41,
	 INCA => 0x42,
	 DECA => 0x43,
	 ADM  => 0x44,
	 SBM  => 0x45,
	 ANMA => 0x46,
	 ORMA => 0x47,
	 INCK => 0x48,
	 DECK => 0x49,
	 INCM => 0x4a,
	 DECM => 0x4b,
	 INA  => 0x4c,
	 NOPW => 0x4d,
	 WAIT => 0x4e,
	 CUP  => 0x4f,

	 INCP => 0x50,
	 DECP => 0x51,
	 STD  => 0x52,
	 MVDM => 0x53,
	 READM=> 0x54,
	 MVMD => 0x55,
	 READ => 0x56,
	 LDD  => 0x57,
	 SWP  => 0x58,
	 LDM  => 0x59,
	 SL   => 0x5a,
	 POP  => 0x5b,
	 OUTA => 0x5d,
	 OUTF => 0x5f,

	 ANIM => 0x60,
	 ORIM => 0x61,
	 TSIM => 0x62,
	 CPIM => 0x63,
	 ANIA => 0x64,
	 ORIA => 0x65,
	 TSIA => 0x66,
	 CPIA => 0x67,
	 CASE2=> 0x69,
	 JST  => 0x69,
	 TEST => 0x6b,
	 CDN  => 0x6f,

	 ADIM => 0x70,
	 SBIM => 0x71,
	 ADIA => 0x74,
	 SBIA => 0x75,
	 CALL => 0x78,
	 JP   => 0x79,
	 CASE1=> 0x7a,
	 SETT => 0x7a,
	 JPNZ => 0x7c,
	 JPNC => 0x7d,
	 JPZ  => 0x7e,
	 JPC  => 0x7f,

	 INCJ => 0xc0,
	 DECJ => 0xc1,
	 INCB => 0xc2,
	 DECB => 0xc3,
	 ADCM => 0xc4,
	 SBCM => 0xc5,
	 TSMA => 0xc6,
	 CPMA => 0xc7,
	 INCL => 0xc8,
	 DECL => 0xc9,
	 INCN => 0xca,
	 DECN => 0xcb,
	 INB  => 0xcc,
	 NOPT => 0xce,

	 SC   => 0xd0,
	 RC   => 0xd1,
	 SR   => 0xd2,
	 ANID => 0xd4,
	 ORID => 0xd5,
	 TSID => 0xd6,
	 LEAVE=> 0xd8,
	 EXAB => 0xda,
	 EXAM => 0xdb,
	 OUTB => 0xdd,
	 OUTC => 0xdf,

	 LP   => 0x80,
	 CAL  => 0xe0

%operand1=(			# mnemonic => # of bytes
	   LII  => 2,  LIJ  => 2,  LIA  => 2,
	   LIB  => 2,  LIDL => 2,  LIP	=> 2,
	   LIQ  => 2,  JRNZP=> 2,  JRNZM=> 2,
	   JRNCP=> 2,  JRNCM=> 2,  JRP  => 2,
	   JRM  => 2,  LOOP => 2,  JRZP => 2,
	   JRZM => 2,  JRCP => 2,  JRCM => 2,
	   WAIT => 2,  ANIM => 2,  ORIM => 2,
	   TSIM => 2,  CPIM => 2,  ANIA => 2,
	   ORIA => 2,  TSIA => 2,  CPIA => 2,
	   TEST => 2,  ADIM => 2,  SBIM => 2,
	   ADIA => 2,  SBIA => 2,  LP   => 1,
	   ANID => 2,  ORID => 2,  TSID => 2,
	   LIDP => 3,  CALL => 3,  JP   => 3,
	   JPNZ => 3,  JPNC => 3,  JPZ  => 3,
	   JPC  => 3,  CAL  => 2
	   DB   => 0,  DW   => 0,  DS => 0
print "\nYagshi's SC61860 assembler YASM61860 version 1.0\n";

for($i=0; $i<=$#ARGV; $i++){
    if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-w"){
    if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-d"){
    if ($ARGV[$i]=~/^.*\.s/i or $ARGV[$i]=~/^.*\.asm/i){
    if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-old" ){
    die "usage: [-w wavfile.wav] [-d dumplist.txt] [sourcefile.s]\n";
if( defined $wavfile ){
    open(WAV,"> $wavfile")
	or die "ERROR: cannot create wav file \"$wavfile\".\n";
if( defined $dumpfile ){
    open(DUMP,"> $dumpfile")
	or die "ERROR: cannot create dump list file \"$dumpfile\".\n";
if( defined $sfile ){
	or die "ERROR: cannot open source file \"$sfile\".\n";

print "pass 1\n";
    s/\t/ /g;			# replace TAB with SPC
    s/ *[^\\][#;].*$//;		# remove comment
    s/^[#;].*$//;		# remove comment
    s/  / /g;			# make space single
    s/^ *//;			# remove head space

    undef $thislabel;
    if( /^[^ ]+:/ || /^[^ ]+ EQU /i){
	$thislabel=~s/ .*//;
	die "ERROR: multiple definitioin of $thislabel.\n"
	    if !($label{$thislabel} eq "");
	if(/^[^ ]+ EQU /i){

	printf "%10s  \$%04x\n",$thislabel,$label{$thislabel};
	s/^[^ ]+://;
	s/^ *//;
    next if /^$/;
    $opr[$l] = $_;
    $opr[$l] =~ s/^[^ ]+ //;
    s/ .*$//;
    if( /ORG/i ){
	die "ERROR: ORG cannot be labeled.($thislabel)\n"
	    if !($thislabel eq "");
	die "ERROR: Illegal ORG address($pcc).\n"
	    if $pcc<0 || $pcc>0xffff;
	next PASS1LP;

    die "ERROR: undefined instruction $_.\n" unless defined $opcode{$_};
    if(defined $operand1{$_}){
	$pcc += $operand1{$_};
	elsif(defined $operandn{$_}){
	    if( /DB/i or /DW/i ){
		my $tmp=",".$opr[$l];
		until( $tmp eq "" ){
		    die "ERROR: Illegal DB/DW syntax.\n"
			if( $& ne "," or $tmp eq "");
		    $pcc += 1 if /DB/i;
		    $pcc += 2 if /DW/i;
	    if( /DS/i ){
		my $tmp=$opr[$l];
		if($tmp ne ""){
		    die "ERROR: Illegal DS syntax in $l.\n"
			if $& ne ",";
	else {
	    die "ERROR: $_ requires no operand in $l.\n"
		if( uc($opr[$l]) ne $_);
	    $pcc ++;
    } continue {
print "pass 2\n";

for($l=1,$p=0; $l<$lines; $binlen[$l++]=$p-$p0 ){
    $p0=$p;			# binlen calc you
    next if !$inst[$l];
    $bin[$p++]= $opcode{$inst[$l]} unless $opcode{$inst[$l]}==-1;
    next if $opr[$l] eq "";
    $_ = $inst[$l];
    if( /^JP/ || /CALL/ || /LIDP/ ){
	die "ERROR: Illegal address($ea) in line $l.\n"
	    if $ea<0 || $ea>0xffff;
    } elsif ( /^JR/ || /LOOP/ ){
	$ea=$ea-$addr[$l]-1 if /^JR.*P/;
	$ea=$addr[$l]+1-$ea if /^JR.*M/ || /^LOOP$/ ;
	die "ERROR: Illegal relative address($ea) in line $l.\n"
	    if $ea<0 or $ea>0xff;
    } elsif ( /^CAL$/ ){
	die "ERROR: CAL address out of range in line $l.\n"
	    if $ea<0 or $ea>0x1fff; 
	$bin[$p-1]=($ea>>8) + 0xe0;
	$bin[$p++]=$ea & 0xff;
    } elsif ( /^LP$/ ){
	die "ERROR: Illegal operand of LP in line $l.\n"
	    if $ea<0 || $ea>63;
    } elsif( /^DB$/ or /^DW$/ ){
	my $tmp=$opr[$l];
	$tmp = ",".$tmp;
	until( $tmp eq "" ){
	    $data = evaluate_expression($tmp);
	    die "ERROR: value out or range in line $l.\n"
		if( $data<0 or $data > 0xffff or ($data > 0xff and /DB/) );
	    $bin[$p++] = ($data>>8) & 0xff if /DW/;
	    $bin[$p++] = $data & 0xff;
    } elsif( /^DS$/ ){
	my $tmp=$opr[$l];
	$dsl =evaluate_expression($tmp);
	$dsd =0;
	if($tmp ne ""){
	    die "ERROR: value out of range in line $l.\n"
		if $dsd<0 or $dsd>0xff;
	for($i=0; $i<$dsl; $i++){
    } else {
	die "ERROR: Illegal operand($ea) in line $l.\n"
	    if ($ea<0 or $ea>0xff);

print "complete.";
print "\n";
wavout() if defined $wavfile;

sub evaluate{
    my $expression=$_[0];
    my $expval = evaluate_expression($expression);
    die "ERROR: wrong expression.($_[0]) in $l\n"
	unless $expression eq "";
    return $expval;

sub evaluate_expression{

sub evaluate_or_expression{
    my $val=evaluate_xor_expression($_[0]);
    while($_[0]=~s/^ *\| *//){
	$val=$val | evaluate_xor_expression($_[0]);
    return $val;
sub evaluate_xor_expression{
    my $val=evaluate_and_expression($_[0]);
    while($_[0]=~s/^ *\^ *//){
	$val=$val ^ evaluate_and_expression($_[0]);
    return $val;
sub evaluate_and_expression{
    my $val=evaluate_shift_expression($_[0]);
    while($_[0]=~s/^ *\& *//){
	$val=$val & evaluate_shift_expression($_[0]);
    return $val;
sub evaluate_shift_expression{
    my $val=evaluate_additive_expression($_[0]);
    while($_[0]=~/^ *>>/ || $_[0]=~/^ *<><<][>><<]//;
	$_[0]=~s/^ *//;
	$val=$val >> evaluate_additive_expression($_[0])
	    if $op=~/>>/;
	$val=$val << evaluate_additive_expression($_[0])
	    if $op=~/<>3<<3;
		for($i=0;$i<$ad%8; $i++){
		    print $dump "   ";
	    printf $dump "%02x ",$bin[$p++];
	    printf $dump ": %02x\n",$sum&0xff and $sum=0 if $pcc%8==7;

sub wavout{	
	$topl=$l and $topaddr=$addr[$l] if $topaddr>=$addr[$l] and defined $addr[$l];
	$endl=$l and $endaddr=$addr[$l] if $endaddr<=$addr[$l] and defined $addr[$l];
    $wl = ($endaddr-$topaddr+1+22+int(($endaddr-$topaddr+1)/120))
        # header(ID,filename,addr,etc)+footer($ff,$ff,chksum)
        # lead
    $wl = ($endaddr-$topaddr+1+19+int(($endaddr-$topaddr+1)/8))
	*19*16+0x400*16 if $oldwav;
        # header(ID,filename,addr,etc)+footer($f0)
        # lead

    print WAV "RIFF";
    $wl = $wl +44-4;		# all(header:44+$wl) - 4
    printf WAV "%c%c%c%c"
    $wl = $wl -44+4;
    print WAV "WAVEfmt ";
    print WAV "\x10\x00\x00\x00";
    print WAV "\x01\x00";		# PCM
    print WAV "\x01\x00";		# mono
    print WAV "\x40\x1f\x00\x00";	# sampling freq. = 8000Hz
    print WAV "\x40\x1f\x00\x00";	# byte / sec.
    print WAV "\x01\x00";		# byte / sample x channel
    print WAV "\x08\x00";		# bit / sample
    print WAV "data";
    printf WAV "%c%c%c%c"

    for( $i=0; $i<0x400; $i++ ){
	print WAV $w1;

    write1byte(0x67) unless $oldwav; # newer PC
    write1byte(0x26)   if   $oldwav; # 1245/125x
    } else {
    unless ($oldwav){
	write1($topaddr>>8 & 0xff);
	write1($topaddr & 0xff);
    } else {			# PC-1245/125x
	write1($topaddr>>12 | ($topaddr>>4 &0xf0));
	write1(($topaddr<<4&0xf0) | ($topaddr>>4&0x0f));
	write1(($endaddr-$topaddr)>>12 | (($endaddr-$topaddr)>>4 &0xf0));
	write1((($endaddr-$topaddr)<<4&0xf0) | (($endaddr-$topaddr)>>4&0x0f));

    WAVLOOP0: while($ad<=$endaddr){
		next WAVLOOP0;
	    for($i=0; $i<$binlen[$l];$i++){
		write1($bin[$p]>>4&0x0f | $bin[$p]<<4&0xf0) unless $oldwav;
		write1($bin[$p]) if $oldwav;
    unless( $oldwav ){
    } else {			# PC-1245/125x

sub write1{
	$sum=($sum+1)&0xff if $sum>0xff;
	$sum=($sum+1)&0xff if $sum>0xff;
    writesum() if $sc%8==0 and $oldwav;
    writesum() if ($sc>=120 and not $oldwav);

sub writesum{
	$tmp=(($sum & 0x0f)<<4)+(($sum & 0xf0)>>4);
    }else{			# PC-1245/125x
	resetsum() if $sc>=80;
    return 1;

sub resetsum{

sub write1byte{
	print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x1 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x2 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x4 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x8 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	print WAV $w1,$w0;
	$_[0] & 0x10 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x20 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x40 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x80 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	print WAV $w1,$w1,$w1,$w1,$w1;
    } else {			# PC-1245/125x
	print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x10 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x20 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x40 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x80 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	print WAV $w1,$w1,$w1,$w1,$w0;
	$_[0] & 0x1 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x2 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x4 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	$_[0] & 0x8 and print WAV $w1 or print WAV $w0;
	print WAV $w1,$w1,$w1,$w1,$w1;

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