
Refereed Papers

  1. A generalization of the Landen connection formula and generalized poly-Bernoulli numbers, Integers 24 (2024), #A77. (Article) (Sep. 2024)
  2. Poly-Bernoulli numbers with one parameter and their generating functions, Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli 71 (2023), 37-50. (Article) (Dec. 2023)
  3. (with Tomokazu Onozuka) Analytic properties of Ohno function, Mathematica Scandinavica 127 (2021), 600–616. (Article) (Nov. 2021) arXiv:2005.14379
  4. Matiyasevich type identities for hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials and poly-Bernoulli polynomials, Moscow J. Comb. Number Theory 8 (2019), 137–142. (Article) (May 2019)
  5. Weighted sum formulas for finite multiple zeta values, J. Number Theory 192 (2018), 168-180. (Article) (Nov. 2018)
  6. Lonesum decomposable matrices, Discrete Math. 341 (2018), 341-349. (Article) (Feb. 2018) arXiv:1701.07157
  7. Finite Mordell-Tornheim multiple zeta values, Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 54 (2016), 65-72. (Article) (Mar. 2016)
  8. (with Takao Komatsu) Explicit formulae for sums of products of Bernoulli polynomials, including poly-Bernoulli polynomials, Ramanujan J. 33 (2014), 301-313. (Article) (Feb. 2014)
  9. (with Takao Komatsu) Some congruence relations of poly-Cauchy numbers, J. Comb. Number Theory 5, no. 2 (2013), 145-150. (Article)
  10. (with Takao Komatsu) Poly-Cauchy polynomials, Moscow J. Comb. Number Theory 3, no. 2 (2013), 61-87. (Article) (Dec. 2013)
  11. Analytic continuation of the Lucas zeta and L-functions, Indag. Math. 24, no. 3 (2013), 637-646. (Article) (Jun. 2013)
  12. (with Yasuo Ohno and Shuji Yamamoto) Weighted lonesum matrices and their generating function, Integers 13 (2013), #A25. (Article)
  13. A formula for multi-poly-Bernoulli numbers of negative index, Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 67, no. 1 (2013), 29-37. (Article)
  14. Sums of products of poly-Bernoulli numbers of negative index, Journal of Integer Sequences 15 (2012) Article ID 12.1.3, 8pp. (Article)
  15. On 3-adic valuations of generalized harmonic numbers, Integers 11 (2011), #A69. (Article)   (Article)
  16. Multiple p-adic log-gamma functions and their characterization theorem, Acta Arithmetica 145 (2010), 109-122. (Article)
  17. Sums of products of hypergeometric Bernoulli numbers, Journal of Number Theory 130 (2010), 2259-2271. (Article)
  18. Sums of products of Bernoulli numbers, including poly-Bernoulli numbers, Journal of Integer Sequences 13 (2010) Article ID 10.5.2, 10pp. (Article)
  19. p-adic q-Bernoulli numbers and their denominators, International Journal of Number Theory 4 (2008), 911-925. (Article)
  20. The multiple Hurwitz zeta function and a generalization of Lerch's formula, Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 29 (2006), 61-73. (Article)

Non-Refereed Papers

  1. The analytic continuation of a certain double zeta function (in Japanese), Bulletin of Salesian Polytechnic 37 (2011), 13-16. (Article)
  2. A q-analogue of the von Staudt-Clausen theorem (in Japanese), Gakujutsu Kenkyu, School of Education, Waseda University Series of Education 55, 23-29, February, 2007. (Article)
  3. On a q-analogue of the p-adic lo-gamma functions (in Japanese), Gakujutsu Kenkyu, School of Education, Waseda University Series of Education 54, 1-11, February, 2006. (Article)
  4. The analytic continuation of multiple L-function and its special values at non-positive integers (in Japanese), The Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education of Waseda University 13-1 (2005), 351-356 (Article)


  1. Dirichlet series associated with hyperharmonic numbers, Memoirs of the Osaka Institute of Technology, Series A 56, No. 2 (2011), 11-15. (Article)



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