Exchange Students Accepted in the Past

OIT has accepted many exchange students from our partner universities.
The International Center of OIT is for you to support your dream comes true. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Number of Exchange Students Accepted

* There was no exchange student accepted in AY2020 and AY2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Exchange Students Accepted in AY2024
Home Institution (Country) Accepted in [No. of student] Program Duration
1 Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Department of Mechanical Engineering [1] CW Apr - Aug 2024
2 National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan) Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering [1] CW Apr - Aug 2024
3 National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan) Department of Applied Chemistry [1] CW Apr - Aug 2024
4 National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan) Department of Robotics [1] CW Apr - Aug 2024
5 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering [1] CW Apr - Aug 2024
6 Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammsat University (Thailand) Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (Media Science) [1] RS Apr - Aug 2024
7 Technische Universität Müunchen (Germany) Department of Design and Architecture [1] RS Apr - Aug 2024
10 Polytech Montpellier (France) Department of Mechanical Engineering [3] IN Apr - Jun 2024
12 ENTPE (France) Graduate School of Engineering (Architecture) [2] IN Apr - Aug 2024
13 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) Graduate School of Engineering (Applied Chemistry) RS May 2024
15 Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammsat University (Thailand) Department of System Design [2] RS Jun - Jul 2024
16 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) Graduate School of Engineering (Applied Chemistry) RS Jun - Jul 2024
17 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) Graduate School of Engineering (Applied Chemistry) RS Jul - Aug 2024

* As of May 13, 2024

Exchange Students Accepted in AY2023
1 Tampere University (Finland) Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (Information and Computer Science) [1] RS Apr - Sep 2023
2 Technische Universität Müunchen (Germany) Department of Environmental Engineering [1] RS Apr - Aug 2023
3 HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany) Department of Architecture [1] CW Apr - Aug 2023
5 National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan) Graduate School of Intellectual Property [2] CW Apr - Aug 2023
6 National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan) Department of Intellectual Property [1] CW Apr - Aug 2023
9 Polytech Montpellier (France) Department of Mechanical Engineering [3] IN Apr - Jun 2023
11 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) Graduate School of Engineering (Applied Chemistry) [2] RS Jun - Sep 2023
12 National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan) Graduate School of Intellectual Property [1] CW Sep 2023 - Feb 2024
13 National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan) Graduate School of Robotics and Design [1] CW Sep 2023 - Feb 2024
14 National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan) Graduate School of Intellectual Property [1] IN Sep 2023 - Feb 2024
15 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Graduate School of Engineering (Electrical Electronic Engineering) [1] CW/RS Sep 2023 - Aug 2024
16 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Graduate School of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) [1] CW Sep 2023 - Aug 2024
17 TU Wien (Austria) Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (Media Science) [1] RS Sep 2023 - Feb 2024
18 National Taiwan University of Technology (Taiwan) Graduate School of Engineering (Applied Chemistry) [1] RS Mar - July 2024
Exchange Students Accepted in AY2022
Home Institution (Country) Accepted in [No. of student] Program Duration
1 Technische Universität Müunchen (Germany) Department of Civil Engineering and Urban Design [1] CW Apr - Aug 2022
2 Daejeon University (South Korea) Department of Civil Engineering and Urban Design [1] CW Apr 2022 - Feb 2023
3 Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya (Indonesia) Graduate School of Engineering (Applied Chemistry) [1] RS Sep - Dec 2022
9 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Graduate School of Robotics and Designign [6] IN Sep - Dec 2022
10 Tatung University (Taiwan) Department of System Design [1] IN/CW Sep 2022 - Feb 2023
11 Tampere University (Finland) Department of Mechanical Engineering [1] CW Sep 2022 - Feb 2023
12 Tampere University (Finland) Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (Data Science) [1] RS Sep 2022 - Aug 2023
13 Technische Universität Müunchen (Germany) Graduate School of Engineering (Civil Engineering and Urban Design) [1] RS Sep 2022 - Feb 2023
14 Technische Universität Müunchen (Germany) Graduate School of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) [1] RS Sep 2022 - Feb 2023
15 University of Salamanca (Spain) Robotics & Design Center [1] RS Nov 2022 - Feb 2023
16 Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (Thailand) Graduate School of Engineering (Applied Chemistry) [1] RS Dec 2022 - Mar 2023
17 Hasanuddin University (Indonesia) Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (Network Design) [1] RS Dec 2022 - Feb 2023
18 Hasanuddin University (Indonesia) Department of Network Design [1] RS Dec 2022 - Feb 2023
20 Singapore University of Technology and Design (Singapore) Graduate School of Robotics and Design (System Design) [2] RS Dec 2022 - May 2023
21 Chulalongkorn University (Thailand) Graduate School of Engineering (Applied Chemistry) [1] RS Jan - May 2023
22 Chung-Ang University (South Korea) Graduate School of Engineering (Applied Chemistry) [1] RS Jan - Apr 2023
Exchange Students Accepted in AY2019
Home Institution (Country) Accepted in [No. of student] Program Duration
1 National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan) Department of Electronics and Information Systems Engineering [1] RS Apr - Jul 2019
3 National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan) Department of Applied Chemistry [2] RS Apr - Jul 2019
4 Daejeon University (South Korea) Department of Information Systems [1] CW Apr 2019 - Feb 2020
5 Tampere University (Finland) Graduate School of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) [1] RS Apr 2019 - Jun 2020
6 Universität der Bundeswehr München (Germany) Graduate School of Robotics and Design [1] RS Apr - Sep 2019
7 Universität der Bundeswehr München (Germany) Department of Media Science [1] RS May - Jul 2019
9 Tongji University (China) Faculty of Engineering [2] IN May 2019
17 Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology (Thailand) Center for Monodzukuri Management [8] IN May 2019
18 Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammsat University (Thailand) Department of Electronics and Information Systems Engineering [1] IN Jun - Jul 2019
19 Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammsat University (Thailand) Department of System Design [1] IN Jun - Jul 2019
20 Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammsat University (Thailand) Department of Information Systems [1] IN Jun - Jul 2019
21 Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Graduate School of Engineering (Electrical Electronic Engineering) [1] CW Sep 2019 - Feb 2020
22 Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Graduate School of Robotics and Design [1] CW Sep 2019- Aug 2020
23 National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan) Department of Design and Architecture [1] RS Sep 2019 - Jul 2020
24 National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan) Graduate School of Intellectual Property [1] CW Sep 2019 - Aug 2020
29 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Graduate School of Robotics and Design [5] RS Oct - Nov 2019
30 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Department of System Design [1] RS Oct - Nov 2019
31 Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (Malaysia) Department of Robotics [1] RS Jan - Apr 2020
32 University of Guanajuato (Mexico) Graduate School of Information Science and Technology [1] RS Jan - Apr 2020
33 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Department of Applied Chemistry [1] RS Feb - Jun 2020

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