Astrophysics and Mathematical Sciences Group

Faculty of Information Science and Technology,
Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan

We started our group April, 2006. Group head: Hisa-aki Shinkai

for Researchers for Students for Generals
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International School of Science 2016 at YRP print/viewgraph download
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Books by Hisaaki (J)
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Description Our group studies theoretical physics and mathematical modeling using simulations, mainly with solving differential equations or statistical approaches.

For graduate course students:
Main research topics are in astrophysical phenomena especially related to general theory of relativity, such as black holes, gravitational waves, and cosmology. Current targeting topics are (a) testing gravity theories from data analysis of gravitational wave, (b) non-linear dynamics in higher-dimensional space-time, and (c) formation process of black holes and singularities. Not only their simulations, but their formulations and methodologies are included.

For undergraduate students:
Using topics in astrophysical phenomenon, students will be trained how to formulate a model, how to simulate differential equations, how to analyze and interpret their results, including visualizations. Students will pick up their favorite topics for their Bachelor Thesis, e.g. developing database systems, games or educational materials.

announcement Join us!
More Details

B. Thesis training
for students

H. Shinkai's research
for researchers
PD opportunity
for young researchers

Professor Hisa-aki Shinkai [Chair of the board, KAGRA Scientific Congress (2017/8--2021/8)]
[cv pdf, 4 pages], [publication list pdf, 30 pages]
Spires (SLAC), Google Scholar, ArXiv
M. Thesis Candidates: Rika Shimomura
B. Thesis Candidates: Kishi Yamada
Funded Our group is currently funded by
  • 2024-2028 (R06-R11) Kakenhi Chosen-Kaitaku "Advancements in the Field of Cultural Studies of Astronomy: Fostering cultural, historical, and scientific understanding of the view of nature applying mathematical approaches" (PI K.Matsuura). web page.
  • 2024-2028 (R06-R11) Kakenhi Kiban-Kenkyu (C) "Black-hole formation scenario and test of general relativity using gravitational wave data" (PI H.Shinkai). web page.
Address Osaka Institute of Technology
Faculty of Information Science and Technology
Department of Information Systems
Kitayama 1-79-1, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0196, Japan
Phone:+81-72-866-5393(dial in), -5466 (students)
Access Map(Japanese)

Our Local News

Post-doc opportunity in Japan (This is a general announcement.)

I would like to introduce JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers which is the standard PD program in Japan. JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) provides PD programs both for Japanese and foreign young researchers, at anywhere in Japan (if the host professor permits) with free his/her research topics, without any duties. (sounds perfect, isn't it?)

In recent years, several Japanese universities have obtained their special funds (such as COE (center of excellence) national fund), and announce their temporal positions available. However, JSPS system is still the standard opportunity for post-doc seekers.

JSPS PD's terms are: Awards are:

Please refer more details at

The application is supposed to be submitted by a host researcher. This system rounds twice a year.
Copyright (c) Hisaaki Shinkai 2006-2019. All rights reserved.