Astrophysics and Mathematical Sciences Group
Faculty of Information Science and Technology,
Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan
We started our group April, 2006. Group head: Hisa-aki Shinkai
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International School of Science 2016 at YRP print/viewgraph downloadOIT Lab.Navi (J)
OIT Interview.Navi (J)
Books by Hisaaki (J)
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Description Our group studies theoretical physics and mathematical modeling using simulations, mainly with solving differential equations or statistical approaches. For graduate course students:
Main research topics are in astrophysical phenomena especially related to general theory of relativity, such as black holes, gravitational waves, and cosmology. Current targeting topics are (a) testing gravity theories from data analysis of gravitational wave, (b) non-linear dynamics in higher-dimensional space-time, and (c) formation process of black holes and singularities. Not only their simulations, but their formulations and methodologies are included.For undergraduate students:
Using topics in astrophysical phenomenon, students will be trained how to formulate a model, how to simulate differential equations, how to analyze and interpret their results, including visualizations. Students will pick up their favorite topics for their Bachelor Thesis, e.g. developing database systems, games or educational materials.announcement Join us! More Details B. Thesis training
for students
H. Shinkai's research
for researchers
PD opportunity
for young researchers
Professor Hisa-aki Shinkai [Chair of the board, KAGRA Scientific Congress (2017/8--2021/8)] [cv pdf, 4 pages], [publication list pdf, 30 pages]
Spires (SLAC), Google Scholar, ArXivM. Thesis Candidates: Rika Shimomura B. Thesis Candidates: Kishi Yamada Funded Our group is currently funded by
- 2024-2028 (R06-R11) Kakenhi Chosen-Kaitaku "Advancements in the Field of Cultural Studies of Astronomy: Fostering cultural, historical, and scientific understanding of the view of nature applying mathematical approaches" (PI K.Matsuura). web page.
- 2024-2028 (R06-R11) Kakenhi Kiban-Kenkyu (C) "Black-hole formation scenario and test of general relativity using gravitational wave data" (PI H.Shinkai). web page.
Address Osaka Institute of Technology
Faculty of Information Science and Technology
Department of Information Systems
Kitayama 1-79-1, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0196, Japan Phone: +81-72-866-5393(dial in), -5466 (students) Fax: +81-72-866-8380(Dept.) Email: Location
Access Map(Japanese)
Our Local News
- Invited talk,
"LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA network for hunting gravitational waves"[slide pdf], at JGRG30
- A new article, "Test of general relativity by a pair of transportable optical lattice clocks", M. Takamoto, I. Ushijima, N. Ohmae, T. Yahagi, K. Kokado, H. Shinkai, and H. Katori, Nature Photonics, April 2020
- Review talk, "Status of KAGRA" [pdf] , at the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA meeting telecon, March 2020.
- Seminar talk, "Introduction to Sparse Modeling" pdf, at the boot camp of the A01 group Innovative Area Research Project, January 2020.
- A book translation, Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation by Alan P Lightman, William H Press, Richard H Price and Saul A Teukolsky (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 1975). Japanese translation is published (translated by H.Shinkai and T.Torii, Morikita Publishing Co., 2019 November).
- Review talk, "Status of KAGRA" [slide pdf] at the LVC meeting (or here) at Warsaw, Poland, September 2019.
- H. Shinkai takes the chair of the board of the KAGRA Scientific Congress again as the second term, and works as the spokesperson of KAGRA (2017/8--2019/8, 2019/8--2021/8)
- An article, "First cryogenic test operation of underground km-scale gravitational-wave observatory KAGRA", Class. Quant. Grav. 36 (2019) 165008 [arXiv:1901.03569] , [pdf]
- An article, "Comparison of various methods to extract ringdown frequency from gravitational wave data", Phys. Rev. D. 99 (2019) 124032, [arXiv:1811.06443] [pdf]
- Review talk, "Latest Status of KAGRA" at GR22/Amaldi13 at Valencia, Spain, July 2019. [talk pdf]
- Review talk, "Status of KAGRA" at LIGO-Virgo collaboration meeting at Milwaukee, USA, March 2019. [pdf]/ [keynote]
- An article, "INO: Interplanetary Network of Optical Lattice Clocks", Int. J. Mod. Phys. D. 28 (2019) 19400029,, [arXiv:1809.10317] or [pdf]
- An article, "KAGRA: 2.5 generation interferometric gravitational wave detector", was published as Nature Astronomy, 3 (2019) 35. [arXiv:1811.08079] , [pdf].
- Presentation at JGRG28 (Tokyo); poster: INO: Interplanetary Network of Optical Lattice Clocks [poster A0 pdf]
- A textbook for undergrad students and generals, Frontiers of Physics and Cosmology -- General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and Cosmology -- (H.Shinkai, Kyoritsu Publishing Co., 2018)[amazon japan]
- Presentation at Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG15
talk 1 (session GW4): Gravitational-wave detector using optical lattice clocks in space [registration pdf] / [talk pdf]
talk 2 (session BH2): Autoregressive Approach to Extract Ring-down Gravitational Wave of Black-hole Merger [registration pdf] / [talk pdf]
talk 3 (session AT1): Nonlinear Dynamics in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity [A0 pdf] / [talk pdf]- Presentation at The 4th KAGRA International Workshop, Seoul, Korea
review short talk: KAGRA introduction and status [pdf]
poster: Autoregressive Approach to Extract Ring-down Gravitational Wave of Black-hole Merger [A0 pdf]
- Article, "Construction of KAGRA: an Underground Gravitational Wave Observatory" by KAGRA Collaboration, was published. PTEP (2018) 013F01, [arXiv:1712.00148]
- Presentation at The 13th International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics, and Cosmology (ICGAC-XIII), Seoul, Korea
Nonlinear dynamics in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity [slide pdf],EPJ Web of Conferences 168, 04014 (2018), [proceedings pdf]
Gravitational waves from merging intermediate-mass black holes [slide pdf],EPJ Web of Conferences 168, 05002 (2018), [proceedings pdf]
- Article, "Nonlinear dynamics in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity" by H. Shinkai, and T. Torii. abstract / [pdf] / [arXiv:1706.02070] || Physical Review D96 (2017) 044009
- Article, "Gravitational waves from merging intermediate-mass black holes : II Event rates at ground-based detectors" by H. Shinkai, N. Kanda, and T. Ebisuzaki. abstract / [arXiv:1610.09505] || Astrophysical Journal 835 (2017) 276
- Seminar at Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), Daejeon. Gravitational waves from merging intermediate-mass black holes [viewgraph pdf]
- A book translation, How to build a Universe by Ben Gilliland (translated by H.Shinkai and T.Torii, Moruzen Publishing Co., 2016; ISBN 978-4621300503) was published in December.
- A textbook for students and generals, Physics answers to "why?" in your daily life (H.Shinkai, Morikita Publishing Co., 2015; ISBN 978-4-627-15611-1) was published in October.
- A book for generals, Black-Holes, Expanding Universe, and Gravitational Waves --- One hundred years of general relativity --- (H.Shinkai, Kobunsha Publishing Co., 2015; ISBN 978-4-334-03877-8) was published in September.
- An article, "Tensor calculus softwares -- One second for Rieman tensors", was published in general magazine 'Mathematical Sciences (Suuri-Kagaku)' July issue in 2015.
- A textbook, Calculus with Applications: A Structured Approach, Second edition (H.Shinkai, Kyoritsu Publishing Co., 2013; ISBN978-4-320-11060-1) was published.
- "Wormholes in higher dimensional space-time: Exact solutions and their linear stability analysis" (T.Torii, and H. Shinkai) Physical Review D 88, 064027 (2013) (6 pages); arXiv:1309.2058; (pdf)
- "Wormhole evolutions in higher-dimensional gravity --- Effects of Gauss-Bonnet gravity terms" (poster pdf 6MB) at The 20th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (Warsaw, Poland, July 2013)
- A textbook, Probability and Statistics with Applications: A Structured Approach (H.Shinkai, Kyoritsu Publishing Co., 2012; ISBN978-4-320-01879-2) was published.
- "Constraint Propagation of $C^2$-adjusted Formulation II --- Another Recipe for Robust BSSN Evolution System ---" (T.Tsuchiya, G.Yoneda, and H. Shinkai)
was published as Physical Review D 85, 044018 (2012) (12 pages); arXiv:1109.5782; (pdf)- "Difficulty levels of SUDOKU: Proposal of D-score using solving logics" (pdf in Japanese) (T. Dode and H. Shinkai) was published as Momoirs of the Osaka Institute of Technology, 56-1 (2001), 1-18.
- "Numerical Investigations of Five-dimensional Gravitational Collapses" (pdf), (H. Shinkai and Y. Yamada) submitted to Int. J. Mod. Phys. D., as a proceedings of "2011 Shanghai Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitation (Shanghai, Feb. 2011)".
- "Constraint Propagation of C^2-adjusted formulation" (T. Tsuchiya, G. Yoneda and H. Shinkai) was published as Phys. Rev. D. 83, 064032 (2011) [10pages]; [arXiv:1103.1202]; (pdf)
- 2011 Shanghai Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitation (Shanghai)
Talk, Gravitational Collapse in Five-dimensional Space-time slide [pdf]- "Formation of Naked Singularities in Five-dimensional Space-time" (Y. Yamada and H. Shinkai) was published as Phys. Rev. D. 83, 064006 (2011) [5 pages]; [arXiv:1102.2090] (pdf)
- A popular book, "Time Machine and Science of Space-time" (H. Shinkai, Natsume Publishing Co., 2011; ISBN: 978-4-8163-5025-2) was published.
- A textbook, Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications: A Structured Approach (H.Shinkai, Kyoritsu Publishing Co., 2010; ISBN978-4-320-01879-2) was published.
- "Black Objects and Hoop Conjecture in Five-dimensional Space-time" (Y. Yamada and H. Shinkai) [arXiv:0907.2570] was published in Classical and Quantum Gravity 27 (2010) 045012 (15pages) ([pdf])
- "Formulations of the Einstein equations for numerical simulations" (H. Shinkai) [arXiv:0805.0068] was published in Journal of Korean Physical Society 54 (2009) 2513-2528
- A textbook, Calculus with Applications: A Structured Approach (H.Shinkai, Kyoritsu Publishing Co., 2009; ISBN978-4-320-01879-2) was published.
- "N+1 Formulations in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity" (T. Torii and H. Shinkai) (pdf) arXiv:0810.1790; Physical Review D 78, 084037 (2008) (13 pages)
- January 24-26, 2008, Shinkai gave a 2-hour lecture on Formulation Problem in Numerical Relativity at APCTP Winter School on Black Hole Astrophysics 2008 (Daejeon, Korea). Lecture Notes
- "Numerical experiments of adjusted BSSN systems for controlling constraint violations" (K. Kiuchi and H. Shinkai) arXiv:0711.3575; Physical Review D 77, 044010 (2008) (11 pages)
Post-doc opportunity in Japan (This is a general announcement.)I would like to introduce JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers which is the standard PD program in Japan. JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) provides PD programs both for Japanese and foreign young researchers, at anywhere in Japan (if the host professor permits) with free his/her research topics, without any duties. (sounds perfect, isn't it?)
In recent years, several Japanese universities have obtained their special funds (such as COE (center of excellence) national fund), and announce their temporal positions available. However, JSPS system is still the standard opportunity for post-doc seekers.
JSPS PD's terms are:Awards are:
- period 12-24 months
- applicants must have PhD when he/she starts PD in Japan
- A round-trip air ticket, domestic research travel allowance, etc.
- A monthly maintenance allowance of 362,000 yen (sufficient for living expenses in Japan)
- research grant (upto 1.5 M yen/year).
Please refer more details at
The application is supposed to be submitted by a host researcher. This system rounds twice a year.
Copyright (c) Hisaaki Shinkai 2006-2019. All rights reserved.