電気電子システム工学科と電子情報通信工学科の学生が国立台北科技大で国際PBLを実施しました OIT students participated in the iPBL program at NTUT
8月19日~25日、電気電子システム工学科と電子情報通信工学科は、本学と学術交流協定を締結している国立台北科技大学(台湾)において、同大学の学生と国際PBL(Project-Based Learning)を実施しました。
今回は、本学と台北科技大の学生2人ずつの計4人を1チームとして、計8チームでプロジェクトに取り組みました。「Intelligent Vehicle」をテーマに、坂やカーブ、砂利道があるコースを壁にぶつかることなく全自動で走行することを目指し、各チームが与えられた材料を使って模型車を製作。走行性能、デザイン、プレゼンテーションの3フェーズで評価され、その得点を競い合いました。
From August 19 to 25, 2014, OIT students from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering and the Department of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering visited National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) and participated in the International Project-Based Learning (iPBL) program with students from NTUT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering. This was the second time, following last year’s program, that the two universities held such a collaborative event.
Each of 8 teams, consisting of two NTUT students and 2 OIT students, tackled a task of designing and building a model car (see pictures above) with a set of given materials over a period of 5 days. The students contributed to the teams based on their expertise, communicating with each other in English. On the last day of the program, a competition was held in which the performance of each team’s car was tested on a course with curves, slopes and other obstacles. (To watch movies of the competition from last year’s program, please visit our Japanese site.)
The experience of collaboration fascinated the participants from both universities and surely gave them a taste of professional working life in the global environment.