機械工学科の学生が国立台湾科技大で国際PBLを実施しました OIT students participated in the iPBL program at NTUST
8月19日~25日、工学部機械工学科は、本学と学術交流協定を締結している国立台湾科技大学(台湾)において、同大学の学生と国際PBL(Project-Based Learning)を実施し、本学の学生15人、台湾科技大の学生17人、TAや教員11人の計43人が参加しました。
「Wind Turbine」をテーマに、本学と同大学の学生6~7人で構成される、計5チームそれぞれが風レンズ(風力を効率よく獲得するためのパーツ)を用いた風車を製作し、最終日の性能テストでは発電量をチーム同士で競い合いました。
From August 19 to 25, 2014, OIT students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering visited National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) and participated in the International Project-Based Learning (iPBL) program with students from NTUST’s Department of Mechanical Engineering. It is one of five iPBL programs that OIT initiated this year.
5 teams (6-7 persons per team), consisting of NTUST and OIT students, tackled a task of designing and building a wind turbine with a wind lens (see pictures above) using the given materials and within a period of 4 days, communicating in English and cooperating closely.
On the last day of the program, a competition was held by using the wind tunnel of NTUST and the groups were judged according to the power output of their wind turbines. The groups were awarded points for the design of their turbine blades and wind lens, their presentation of the finished design, and the communication and cooperation within the team.
All the teams succeeded in generating power from their wind turbines. When the ranking was announced, the members of the winning team jumped with joy, while the others praised them with applause.
Our students admired the NTUST students’ positive and outgoing attitude. This event was surely an opportunity to give our students a taste of professional development in the industry within the global environment, and boost their motivation to pursue study and to improve their English ability.