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  3. 情報科学部の学生がタマサート大学で国際PBLを実施しました OIT students participated in the iPBL program at SIIT


情報科学部の学生がタマサート大学で国際PBLを実施しました OIT students participated in the iPBL program at SIIT


  • 英語で議論しながら作業を進めます(「Real-world Game Programming」) Participants from two universities worked together, communicating in English. (“Real-world Game Programming”) 英語で議論しながら作業を進めます(「Real-world Game Programming」) Participants from two universities worked together, communicating in English. (“Real-world Game Programming”)
  • 最終日はプレゼンテーションを実施(「Computational Photography」) Presentation 最終日はプレゼンテーションを実施(「Computational Photography」) Presentation
  • 本学とタマサート大の学生たち(「Real-world Game Programming」) OIT and SIIT students 本学とタマサート大の学生たち(「Real-world Game Programming」) OIT and SIIT students

 8月18日~24日、情報科学部は、本学と学術交流協定を締結しているタマサート大学シリントーン国際工学部(タイ)において、同大学の学生と国際PBL(Project-Based Learning)を実施し、本学の学生18人、タマサート大学の学生20人、教職員11人の計49人が参加しました。
 今回は「Computational Photography」と「Real-world Game Programming」の2つのプロジェクトが同時開催され、それぞれのプロジェクトで、本学とタマサート大学の学生が5チームに分かれて混成チームをつくり、プロジェクトに取り組みました。各プロジェクトでタマサート大の学生と親睦を深めることができ、学生にとって素晴らしい経験となったようです。

■「Computational Photography」

■「Real-world Game Programming」
 最終日は、各チームの画像処理及び移動制御アルゴリズムのプレゼンテーションと、対戦ゲームに取り組みました。「Computational Photography」プロジェクトの学生たちも見学に訪れ、大きな盛り上がりを見せました。その後、閉会式で成績発表と表彰が行われ、各参加学生の英語スピーチを実施。PBLの感想や今後の抱負等を述べ、タマサート大の学生からは開発技術に興味が湧いたことや、日本の学生と親しくなれたことを喜ぶ声が多く上がりました。また、本学学生からは「今回のPBLで語学力やプログラミング能力の不足を実感しました。今後この経験を活かして勉強に励みたい」と話しました。



From August 19 to 25, 2014, 18 students from the Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT) visited Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology of Thammasat University (SIIT: Thailand) and participated in International Project-Based Learning (iPBL) programs with 20 SIIT students.
Two iPBL programs, “Computational Photography” and “Real-world Game Programming”, were held at the same time. In each program, OIT students and SIIT students formed mixed teams and tackled the tasks of developing computer programs, communicating with each other in English to achieve their mutual goal.

In “Computational Photography”, the teams tried to develop an image processing application with a “dehaze” function using a user interface platform “Qt”. They discussed the parameters of the image processing, the programming method and how to solve the problems. On the last day of the program, they gave a presentation on the application they had developed and the difficulties they faced in the development.

In “Real-world Game Programming”, OIT and SIIT students collaborated to develop a set of programs to operate a robot composed of an autonomous mobile vacuum cleaner and a laptop computer with incorporated camera (see pictures above). The robots were to compete in a test in which they had to find and knock down as many poles with a designated color as they could. The programming task consisted of two parts: (1) image processing in order to recognize target poles and (2) a movement control algorithm. The image processing program should have been able to absorb the difference in colors caused by the actual setting such as lighting. On the last day of the iPBL program, each team gave a presentation of its programs, and the competition took place. A participant from OIT said “I realized that I should work harder both in learning English and programming. I would like to make use of this experience.”